Mom vs. Dad Stereotypes

Just a little tidbit to think about….

Credit: momlife_comics

Why is this a thing?

Since having my son I’ve become acutely aware of the fact that my husband gets praise for doing the exact same things I do with our son. Even when doing family outings people will comment on how he’s such a good dad, yet I’m left out of the equation. Good old mom vs. dad stereotypes.

Just so we’re clear: My husband is a good dad. Fantastic even! But hey, I’m a good mom, damn it. 😆

Ugh. I realize this sounds a little whiney. I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to praise a dad for actually being a dad. Praise is nice. It makes you feel good. I’m just saying, if people are going to throw praise around for good parenting, why not throw some at the moms out there?  We need it sometimes! Or if you don’t think you would praise a mom for doing something with their child, don’t praise a dad for it.

I’d love to here your thoughts on this!