About me

I’m Brandi Hargraves. I’m a wife and a boy mom and I work as a librarian in a small school district. I started this blog because I wanted to have an outlet to share some of the fun and creative things I do, products and toys we love, our 1930’s Craftsman home renovation and also to give my perspective on topics such as family, marriage, life as a mom, mental health….well pretty much anything that pops into my head!

I named this blog after spending a lot of time thinking and researching. I told myself “You’re just overthinking this!” And that was my light bulb moment…Overthinking Momma was born. This really should have come to me sooner. I am and have always been an overthinker. My mother still brings up the fact that as a girl I would spend so much time preparing and setting up that I wouldn’t get to play with whatever it was because I’d run out of time.

Now days I still overthink most things and decision making is HARD (ex. I have bought 12 sample cans of paint trying to choose an exterior color for our house!), but I try to give myself some grace.