What it’s all about

Hello and welcome! This is such a new experience for me, and as with most new things there’s a learning curve, so bear with me as I plow ahead in this new adventure!

I suppose I should introduce myself-I’m Brandi. A wife, mother of one, and school librarian. I love reading (fantasy mostly), animals, getting crafty (when I have the chance), and thrift store shopping! I know a lot of random useless facts, I use WAY too many exclamation points, I’m an introvert and pretty awkward in conversations. LOL

My mom has been telling me for a while that I need to start a blog to share some of my ideas, although I’m not sure that she really knows what a blog is all about (not that I do either, mind you), but I finally took her advice. I made the decision a while back, but I was “waiting for the right time.” Well, if you’re anything like me, that time never comes, so I just made the commitment….in my head. It still took me weeks to actually starting researching (hey, there’s another thing I like to do!) how to start a blog. THEN I had to come up with a name. I spent several days brainstorming and going back and forth. Some sounded stupid, some too hard to say, too long, blah, blah, blah. Finally I said to myself “You’re overthinking this!” And that was my light bulb moment! Overthinking Momma was born. To be honest, this is a perfectly acurate name. I tend to overthink most everything, and that will be evident in some (probably most) of my posts.

Soooo what will I be writing about? Well, there’s so many things I want to share and like most aspects of my life this blog will be an eclectic mixture of:

-talk about toddlers (my son is two)

-talk about family life & marriage

-crafty projects I’m doing

-reviews of products and toys I find review worthy

-documentation of our home renovation and old house salvageing (intrigued?)

-and whatever else may pop into my brain

So there you have it. Enjoy!